"Bee Box" a utility box mural
This August 2018 I completed 3 boxes for the currrent SLO Box Art project. Selected artists who had submitted designs were commissioned to paint their design in 3 weeks (which happened to be in a heat spell with high winds, which was rather adverse conditions).
"Bee Box" Back and Side View
Careful masking with painter’s tape (by my diligent , careful assistant and husband, Daniel) created the the cell design.
This large , colorful box is on a very busy street corner and celebrates the many wonderful musical offerings in our community. In our town we can hear quality classical, jazz, vocal, folk and country, blues, and much more LIVE!
From wonderful annual offerings, such as my favorite: Festival Mozaic, to La Guitara, Vocal Arts, SLO Symphony, to the many winery concerts and special events at the Mid State Fair , etc. , we are rich in music in San Luis Obispo.
"MUSIC ABOUT TOWN" Cello Heads closeup on the front side
I love the idea of the instruments talking to each other, so positioning the two lovely, sculptural cello heads as if in conversation, was what drew me to design this box.
The musical notations were carefully placed to make a good, flowing design pattern, as were the lines.
This large utility box on Prado Rd. depicts the useful and prickly Milk Thistle with a bumblebee as pollinator. The milk thistle’s young greens can be eaten, and its thistle down is an accepted herbal remedy to help liver function. It is as invasive and prickly as it is beautiful!
"WILD WEEDS", Thistle Down With Goldfinch
This is the outdoor setup for painting a utility box in the windy summer heat and glare: 2 shade umbrellas that are tethered down, a portable table. lots of lidded mixing containers, and water to keep the brushes from drying up . There was lots of supportive pedestrian traffic walking by, and cars whizzing close while honking their horns and giving thumbs up in happy support.
These were really adverse conditions, with one scary moment of an umbrella sailing by close to my head! My eyes are still feeling the strain of too much glare and dry winds.
However, the goal was met : to make SLO a more beautiful place!
"MUSIC WITHOUT BORDERS" Acrylic Painting for the 2018 Festival Mozaic's
This high -color original was sold to Scott and Janice Sachtjen, in San Jose, California. It was used in all promotional materials, ranging from brochures, fine art prints (some are still available!) greeting cards, to tee shirts.
The cradled wooden panel measures 20” x 28”, and portrays Bettina Swigger’s own viola, and hand-written musical notations behind the world map.
The concept of music as a universal language that defies national borders and prejudices, was the basis of this summer’s awesome festival, and the artist felt honored to be part of it!
"WILD WEEDS", The Binderweed and Monarch Butterfly
The sides and back of this utility box are painted depicting this hardy weed that helps in controlling soil erosion, and is also a good food source for birds and small animals. In the morning glory family, it might be slightly psychoactive.
Music Without Borders, acrylic painting
Festival Mozaic 2018 brochure cover. The original 24" x 30" acrylic painting with be auctioned off in the summer of 2018, as a
fundraiser for Festival Mozaic.
Pelican Utility Box, Pismo Beach
One of two boxes painted in the summer of 2016 with Julie Frankel.
Under Sea Mural revamp for Obispo Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
A 30 foot mural painted with Sally Lamas, working over an existing unfinished mural. Painted with acrylic mural paint, with colors to harmonize with the hypeberbaric chamber colors.